Viewing the instruments
Tour dates
10 Sept. 2003 7.30pm
TALK about VTI by PI, PP & JW
BA Festival of Science, Harold Riley Suite, University House, University of Salford
020 7973 3052
8th Oct. 2003 7pm
Hull York Medical School, Middleton Hall, The Larkin Building, University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Hull
01482 265845
[performance to celebrate opening of new medical school, and centenary event]
22 Oct. 2003 4pm
Trintity College of Music, Peacock Room, King Charles Court, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London SE10
[part of their Early Music Festival]
29 Oct. 2003 7.30pm
Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, London W1
24 hr booking line: 020 7670 2985
(informaton: 020 7409 2992)
On-line booking
3 Nov. 2003 8pm
Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham University
0115 846 7777
6th Nov. 2003 12.30pm-1.30pm
Leeds City Art Gallery - seminar
6th Nov. 2003 7pm
St James Chapel, St James University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7TF
0113 3923941
12 Nov. 2003 7.45pm
Blackpool Grand Theatre Studio, 33 Church Street, Blackpool
01253 290190
19 Nov. 2003 7.30pm
Guy's Chapel
St Thomas St. SE1
0207 955 4361
27 Nov. 2003 7.30pm
Mumford Theatre, Anglia Polytechnic University, East Road, Cambridge
01223 352932
28 Nov. 2003 9am-12.30pm
Seminar at Addenbrooke's Medical School, Cambridge
3 Dec 2003
Manchester Medical Society - symposium on medicine and the arts
including talk about the Viewing the Instruments collaboraton by Dr. Peter Isaacs, Philip Parr and Jane Wildgoose; performance of new music by Rachel Stott who has been artist in residence at at Blackpool Victoria Hospital during 2003 following on form her collaboration from Dr. Isaacs during the composition of Instruments and Bodies for Viewing the Instruments; paper on the history of lithotomy by Sir Harold Ellis.